When I first arrived at Brescia in the fall of 2017 I had no starting point of 我想去哪里. 我不确定自己想成为什么样的人, 我想去哪里, or how I was even going to get to the end with a plan. I was faced with the challenge of being a first-year college student. I originally started my Brescia experience as a business major, and then before you knew it I was a Secondary 历史 Education major. I quickly found out that it was just not for me. After a year of indecision, I found a path I was confident in after some conversations with Mr. 德怀特Ottman. Mr. Ottman was my first-year Algebra professor and he helped me find strengths I noticed in myself. I then set sail as a Finance and Economics major.
我和先生的谈话. 奥斯曼是起点. After deciding I wanted to pursue a career in the finance world, I started to then worry about what I would or could do after college. 从学习会计课程, 经济学, 统计数据, and managerial finance I began to question myself again. I remember sitting in my managerial finance class taught by Dr. Rohnn桑德森. Dr. 桑德森是个讲故事的人. He related our class with the real world and even his life experiences. 听Dr. Sanderson helped me understand that we really don’t know where our paths are going. 只有时间才能决定我们的去向, 然而, there is something we all can control and that is what we are doing right now to prepare for the world ahead. During my senior year, I had phone calls with Dr. Sanderson about future plans and what I potentially wanted to do. I can sit here today and confidently say that if it was not for my phone conversations with Dr. Sanderson, I would not have obtained my MBA. He gave me the confidence to go and do more and expand my knowledge. I am beyond grateful for the drive he instilled in me through my time at Brescia.
Through my time at Brescia, I was also fortunate enough to be involved in multiple organizations. I was a Peer Educator, Orientation Leader, Resident Assistant, and part of the Student Government. Through all these organizations I made lifelong friends and connections. Being involved with the university helped me see what Brescia represents. Brescia is committed to giving 学生 the tools to be not only the best they can be academically but also the best version of themselves as life continues after college.
I am where I am today because of my time and the connections I made while attending Brescia University. 我感谢我的时间, 感谢全体教职员工, and thankful for the friends I made along the way!