Brescia University honored three alumni at their 杰出校友 Banquet on Saturday, 9月30日th during their 2023 校友 Homecoming and Family Weekend. 三位入选者是博士. 弗朗西斯·海登85年. 安妮塔·露易丝·洛 ’87, and Patricia Biscopink Merimee ’73. 此外,在活动期间. Preye Agbana ’17 received the Outstanding Graduate of the Last Decade this was the first time the award had been given.
Dr. 弗朗西斯·海登, 从欧文斯伯勒, 肯塔基州, graduated from Brescia University in 1985 with a degree in Biology/Pre-Medicine, earned his MD from the University of 肯塔基州, 完成了精神病学的住院实习, did a fellowship in Substance Abuse from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and completed another fellowship in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at 纽约 University. 在布雷西亚的时候, 他是肯塔基州立法机构的实习生, 布雷西亚广播公司的工作人员, 活跃于剧院, 并参与了校园音乐事工. Francis has made a career in community mental health, founding and serving as Clinical Director for his private practice, 翼展精神病学有限公司. He currently serves as Medical Director for the Guidance Center of Westchester in Mount Vernon, 纽约.
Sr. 安妮塔·露易丝·洛, 从路易斯维尔, 肯塔基州, graduated from Brescia University in 1987 with a degree in English with a minor in French with Secondary Education Certification and earned a degree in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. 在布雷西亚的时候, she was a member and president of Alpha Chi, 参与校园事工, 领导弥撒音乐小组, 还为高中生组织了静修活动. Sr. Anita Louise has worked as an English/French teacher for Marian Heights Academy in Ferdinand, Liturgist and Vocations Director of Communications for Sister of St. Benedict, and Public Relations Manager for Presentations Academy in Louisville. She is currently the Prioress of the Sisters of St. 本尼迪克特在印第安纳州费迪南德. Sr. Anita Louise has also served on several committees and boards including the Coordinating Committee of the Conference of Benedictine Prioresses and the Board of the National Religious Vocation Conference.
Patricia Biscopink Merimee, 从欧文斯伯勒, KY, graduated cum laude from Brescia University in 1973 with a degree in Accounting. 帕特丽夏靠自己的努力读完了大学, working full time at Western 肯塔基州 Gas while attending classes at night. 她在1972年嫁给了格雷格·梅里梅. Patricia then worked in the accounting office for Island Creek Coal Company in Lexington, KY and in the accounting office in the Billings Water Department in Billings, MT. 在她的第二个儿子出生后, Patricia stepped away from the professional world to focus on raising and caring for her family, though she stayed very active in volunteerism and community service. She volunteered extensively for each of the schools her children attended. Patricia was very involved with United Way and was a member of the Alexis De Tocqueville Society in King County, WA. Patricia is also an avid supporter of Owensboro Catholic High School and Brescia University, where she and her husband are Society of the Arch members. 另外, Patricia has volunteered often with Toys for Toys for over 20 years and currently serves Meals on Wheels in the Villages, FL. Patricia and Greg have two sons and split their time between King County, Washington and Florida.