共同阅读是波士顿大学第一年的经验阅读选择. The 常见的阅读 gives new 学生 a shared academic experience they can chat about and introduces them to our campus values and 任务. Freshmen and their BU 101 instructors read the book over the first few weeks on campus and have numerous opportunities to discuss it throughout the fall at FYE events.
麻烦溪的书女 金·米歇尔·理查森
The hardscrabble folks of Troublesome Creek have to scrap for everything—everything except books, 这是. 多亏了罗斯福的肯塔基驮马图书馆项目, 麻烦小子有自己的旅行图书管理员, 邋遢玛丽·卡特.
Cussy不只是一个爱读书的女人, 然而, 她也是最后一个同类了, 她的皮肤有点蓝,不像大多数人. 并不是每个人都对库西的家庭或图书馆计划感兴趣, 只要有一点麻烦,蓝狗就会受到责备. 如果库西想把读书的乐趣带给山区居民, she’s going to have to confront prejudice as old as the Appalachias and suspicion as deep as the holler.
Inspired by the true blue-skinned people of Kentucky and the brave and dedicated Kentucky Pack Horse library service of the 1930s, 《HG皇冠登陆网页版》这本书是一个关于原始勇气的故事, 激烈的力量, and one woman’s belief that books can carry us anywhere—even back home.
总体规划: My Journey from Life in Prison to a Life of Purpose 作者:克里斯·威尔逊
Growing up in Washington, DC, Chris Wilson was surrounded by violence and despair. He watched his family and neighborhood shattered by trauma and lost his faith. 他十七岁那年的一个晚上,为了自卫,他杀了一个人. 他被判终身监禁,没有假释的希望.
但他的故事本应结束的地方却变成了开始. 在监狱, Wilson embarked on a remarkable journey of self-improvement – reading, 锻炼, 学习语言, 甚至是创业. 在19, he sat down and wrote a list of all the things he intended to accomplish, 以及他到达那里所要走的所有步骤. 他称之为“总体规划”. 他定期修改这个计划,并虔诚地执行它. 16年后, it led him to an unlikely opportunity-and a promise he has been working hard to live up to every day since. 痛苦,心碎,最终胜利, 总体规划 is a memoir for this moment, proving that every person is capable of doing great things.
只是怜悯 布莱恩·史蒂文森
Bryan Stevenson was a young lawyer when he founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal practice dedicated to defending those most desperate and in need: the poor, 被冤枉的人, and women and children trapped in the farthest reaches of our criminal justice system. 他的第一个案子是沃尔特·麦克米兰的案子, a young man who was sentenced to die for a notorious murder he insisted he didn’t commit. 这个案子把布莱恩卷入了一场错综复杂的阴谋之中, 政治阴谋, and legal brinksmanship—and transformed his understanding of mercy and justice forever.
《HG皇冠登陆网页版》是一个令人难忘的理想主义者的故事, 才华横溢的年轻律师的成长, 这是一扇移动的窗口,让我们了解他所捍卫的那些人的生活, and an inspiring argument for compassion in the pursuit of true justice.
Winner of the Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction • Winner of the NAACP Image Award for Nonfiction • Winner of a Books for a Better Life Award • Finalist for the 洛杉矶时报 •入围图书奖 这个评论 美国图书馆协会著名图书奖
遥远的兄弟 劳伦·马卡姆
The deeply reported story of identical twin brothers who escape El Salvador’s violence to build new lives in California—fighting to survive, 待, 和归属.
我在内战结束后的萨尔瓦多农村长大, the United States was a distant fantasy to identical twins Ernesto and Raul Flores—until, 十七岁时, a deadly threat from the region’s brutal gangs forces them to flee the only home they’ve ever known. 在这部当代移民的紧急编年史中, journalist Lauren Markham follows the Flores twins as they make their way across the Rio Grande and the Texas desert, 交到移民局手中, 从那里到他们在奥克兰分居的哥哥那里, CA. Soon these unaccompanied minors are navigating school in a new language, 努力偿还他们不断增加的土狼债务, 面临移民法庭的审判, while also encountering the triumphs and pitfalls of teenage life with only each other for support. 有亲密的接触和惊人的范围, 马卡姆为移民的经历提供了令人难忘的见证. 被评为年度最佳书籍之一 《纽约时报书评. Winner of the Ridenhour Book Prize, Silver Winner of the California Book Award, a finalist for the 洛杉矶时报 图书奖,J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize, and longlisted for the Pen/Bogard Weld Prize for Biography.
必须对爱德华王子县采取行动 作者:克里斯汀·格林
Combining hard-hitting investigative journalism and a sweeping family narrative, this provocative true story reveals a little-known chapter of American history: the period after the 布朗诉. 教育委员会 弗吉尼亚的一个学校系统拒绝整合.
在最高法院一致通过之后 布朗诉. 教育委员会 弗吉尼亚州的爱德华王子县拒绝遵守这项法律. Rather than desegregate, the county closed its public schools, locking and chaining the doors. 社区的白人领袖很快建立了一所私立学院, commandeering supplies from the shuttered public schools to use in their all-white classrooms. 与此同时, 黑人父母没有什么选择:把孩子留在家里, 跨县迁移, 或者把他们送到其他州的亲戚那里去住. 学校关闭了五年.
既扣人心弦,又发人深省,又感人肺腑, 必须对爱德华王子县采取行动, is a dramatic chronicle that explores our troubled racial past and its reverberations today, 这是一个关于同情心的永恒故事, 宽恕, 以及家的意义.
驾驭风的男孩 作者:William Kamkwamba和Bryan Mealer
William Kamkwamba was born in Malawi, a country where magic ruled and modern science was a mystery. 这也是一片因干旱和饥饿而枯萎的土地. 但威廉读过关于风车的书, and he dreamed of building one that would bring to his small village a set of luxuries that only 2 percent of Malawians could enjoy: electricity and running water. His neighbors called him misala—crazy—but William refused to let go of his dreams. With a small pile of once-forgotten science textbooks; some scrap metal, 拖拉机零件, and bicycle halves; and an armory of curiosity and determination, he embarked on a daring plan to forge an unlikely contraption and small miracle that would change the lives around him.
驾驭风的男孩 is a remarkable true story about human inventiveness and its power to overcome crippling adversity. It will inspire anyone who doubts the power of one individual’s ability to change his community and better the lives of those around him.
亨丽埃塔·拉克斯不朽的一生 丽贝卡·斯克鲁特
她的名字是亨丽埃塔·拉克斯,但科学家们称她为海拉. She was a poor black tobacco farmer whose cells—taken without her knowledge in 1951—became one of the most important tools in medicine, 对研制脊髓灰质炎疫苗至关重要, 克隆, 基因图谱, 和更多的. 亨丽埃塔的细胞被买卖了数十亿美元, 然而,她实际上仍然不为人知, 她的家庭负担不起医疗保险. This phenomenal New York Times bestseller tells a riveting story of the collision between ethics, 比赛, and medicine; of scientific discovery and faith healing; and of a daughter consumed with questions about the mother she never knew.